I have met with many prospective clients and I am so impressed with the stories, the products and services, and with the dreams of these foodpreneurs. They are each unique in how they have come to be where they are and where they would like to go.
Their excitement and relief about finally having a permitted, professional commercial kitchen workspace continues to energize me as I work through the details of opening this "new concept" endeavor.
This past month has made me almost an expert in health, building and zoning regulations, as well as flow charts and site plans. Next week is a big week, as I will learn about the zoning for Kitchen Local. In the meantime, I continue to set up the Kitchen Local office which is across the hall from the kitchen; streamline plans with the general contractor so the build-out can ramp up as soon as the permitting goes through; work on my website; continue meeting with prospective clients; and so much more...
I'll continue to keep you posted, as I continue rolling right along!!